1. Welcome to the Greenest Forest
2. Lady of the Lake
3. The Hero of Chivalry
4. Fearful Heart
5. Never Land
6. Lina
7. Affinity
8. Guiding Light
9. Celestial Heavens
10. Linger A Bit Longer
11. Days Past
12. Joie de Vivre
13. A Final Greeting
Harald Lytomt: Acoustic & electric guitars, bass, flute, vocals, keyboards
Jan Hakon Skarpsno: Drums, keyboards
Thor Einar Wiik: Drums
Jonny Klemmetsrud: Drums
Knut Lie: Drums, vocals
Jostein Hansen: Bass
Per Oyvind Nordberg: Keyboards
Freddy Ruud: Keyboards
Bjorn Teig: Organ
Fritz Hunstad: Organ
Tore Johansen: Tin whistles
Erik Hageler, Geir Jahren, Heidi Drengsrud Jahren, Cecilie Ljunggren: Vocals
Tormod Gandflot: Viola
Liv Frengstad: Cello
2ème sublime album sorti sur le label lorrain Muséa.
Dans la même veine que son prédécédent. Du grand art !
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